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Machinery & Equipment
Global Microbial Air Samplers Market Research Report
XYZ-Lab 2020/12/04

In the past five years from 2012 to 2016, global Microbial Air Sampler market scale was from 34.17 million US dollars to 50.49 million, with a revenue increasing rate at above 10.24%.

Microbial Air Sampler is a device that can sample virus, bacteria, phagocyte, pollen, epiphyte, etc. A microbial air sampler is a critical component of any Quality Control (QC) situations associated with Pharmaceutical, Biotech, and Healthcare facilities due to it can ensure that there is no contamination in your processes and products, and they are absolutely required in order to meet most mandatory regulatory requirements.

The classification of Microbial Air Sampler includes Portable Microbial Air Sampler and Desktop Microbial Air Sampler, and the proportion of Portable Microbial Air Sampler in 2016 was about 66%.

Microbial Air Sampler can be used for Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Scientific Laboratory and others. The most proportion of Microbial Air Sampler was Pharmaceutical, and the consumption proportion was about 41% in 2016.

Geographically, Europe was the largest market in the world, which took about 28.6 percent of the global consumption volume in 2016. The United States shared 25% of global total.

As to companies, MBV AG was largest company in production in 2016, which counted 36.48% of global total revenue. As to the production, enterprises in China are taking growing market share worldwide by large production scale and lower price.


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